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On Thursday, February 27, we will leave the FCC parking lot at 11 am to travel to Dirty Al's at Pelican Station at 201 S. Garcia St., Port Isabel, TX. I am sure there is a DQ to stop in Harlingen on the way back to FCC. Please sign up.
Sign upOur Children’s Ministry at Faith Christian Church is a Biblically centered hands-on experience for children from birth through 5th grade. We have childcare available in the nursery during Sunday School and the 10:45 worship service for children 3 years old and younger. Junior Church is available during the sermon for preschool and elementary age. Our Sunday school for children 3 years old through 5th grade is a time where the children are encouraged to learn more about their Savior and salvation in engaging and interactive ways in a safe and conducive environment. All of our Volunteers for the Children's Ministry have completed Volunteer training which includes a background check and Ministry Safe Training. And they continue to receive training as they stay in the Children's Ministry.
The vision of the FCC Youth Ministry is to glorify Jesus Christ in the lives of our Middle and High School students. We hope to help our youth form life-long friendships with each other as well as connect with the Church at large through age-specific Bible studies, Summer camps, service projects, and other fellowship opportunities. We hope to stem the tide of youth leaving the church after graduation by helping them feel at home in the church and with its people. All of our Volunteers for the Youth Ministry have completed Volunteer training which includes a background check and Ministry Safe Training. And they continue to receive training as they stay in the Youth Ministry.
Adult Ministry
We offer Bible Studies, Prayer times, Fellowship and Encouragement to our Adults at FCC.
We have Bible Study classes on Sunday morning, and Sunday night and Wednesday afternoon. See the Church Calendar for times and locations. During these meetings we have prayer time, fellowship time and we hope to encourage our adults to follow the Lord.
Usually once a month we offer a Van Lunch trip. We load up in the van and travel to a restaurant somewhere nearby. These are great times of fellowship and comradery. Check the Calendar for the next trip and sign up.
Men’s Ministry
It seems like our men’s ministry is focused on food because we do have men’s breakfast on the first Saturday of the month and someone usually shares their testimony. We also have a group of men that meet for Breakfast on Wednesday mornings.
On Monday’s we have a men’s prayer time at 6 am using zoom. And we encourage our men to lead in the Church and lead their families to follow Christ, leading by example.
Womens Ministry
LIFE Women’s Ministry is committed to encouraging and mentoring women to live life every day in the Lord. This is accomplished through the regular Bible Studies that are held and various gatherings and dinners throughout the year.
Contact for more information or to sign up.
Family Ministry
FCC’s family ministry is to glorify and honor Jesus Christ. We believe before the gospel can be demonstrated to the world, it must be faithfully displayed at home and reinforced in the church. Therefore, the FCC family ministry aims to strengthen families by equipping and empowering spouses and parents to lead their households spiritually.
FCC gives a tithe of its income in monthly support to 16 different missions (or ministries). Some of them serve people within the United States, including here in the Rio Grande Valley, while others reach across international cultural borders. Above the regular mission’s tithe, FCC also gives offerings to various mission organizations as needs arise throughout the year. We are committed to fulfilling the mission of the church here at home, next door, and around the world.
Our Monthly Missions Update:
The International Seafarers Center serves officers and crew on ships anchored at the Port of Brownsville. Without passports and visas, those folks are stuck on board ship, so Seafarers takes care of them by helping them run errands and providing church services.
There were two ships in port over the holidays. The MV Eastern Venture with 20 Filipino officers and crew and the MV Ning Tai Hai with 24 Chinese officers and crew. On the 2nd Day of Christmas, the 26th (also known as Boxing Day), Seafarers delivered Christmas gifts to these two ships and shared the love of Jesus with their officers and crew.
The Power of Following Christ together
Acts 2:40-47
February 9, 2025
I. We see their _______________ to follow Christ.
II. We see their ________________ to grow in Christ.
III. We see their __________________ to Christ and each other.
© 2014-2025 Faith Christian Church | Powered by
A Community of Christians to help one another follow Jesus.
That phrase helps describe who we are and why we are here. We want to help you have a relationship with Christ and provide a dynamic place for you to learn to follow Him.
Whether you are an inquiring mind or a Christian for many years, at Faith Christian Church you will find a great opportunity to learn about Jesus and His Church.
As you follow Christ, we do encourage service and provide opportunities for you to serve the Lord.
Our Core Values guide us in our decisions and actions.
We aim to help people follow Jesus by:
Loving God and others (Mt 22:36-40; Mk 12:28-31)
We strive to live and model the greatest commandments as revealed by Jesus: to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love others as ourselves.
Biblical teaching (Mt 28:18-20; Acts 2:42; II Tim. 3:16; II Pet. 1:20-21; Prov. 30:5; Rom. 16:25-26)
We maintain and teach the Bible is the authoritative Word of God. It alone is the final authority in determining all doctrinal truths. In its original writing, it is inspired, infallible and inerrant.
Making disciples (Mt 28:18-20)
We believe every Christ-follower is commissioned by Jesus to become and to make disciples. Therefore, we aim to provide a recognizable discipleship pathway to guide believers toward spiritual maturity.
Biblical worship (Acts 2:42, 47; Rom 12:1-2)
We desire to provide opportunities to encourage people to worship God accurately in both personal and corporate settings.
Fellowship (Acts 2:42-46; 1 Jn 1:7)
We desire to provide a variety of fellowship and community opportunities for people to engage and develop relationships with other Christ-followers for mutual edification and spiritual growth.
What We Believe-Core doctrine and beliefs
· God- We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three are coequal and co-eternal (I John 5:7; Genesis 1:26; Matthew 3:16-17, 28:19; Luke 1:35; Isaiah 9:6; Hebrews 3:7-11).
· Jesus- We believe Jesus Christ is God the Son. He is the only man ever to have lived a sinless life. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died on the cross for mankind and thus, atoned for our sins through the shedding of His blood. He rose from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures, ascended to the right hand of the Father, and will return again in power and glory. (John 1:1,14, 20:28; I Timothy 3:16; Isaiah 9:6; Philippians 2:5-6; I Timothy 2:5).
· The Bible- We believe the Bible is the authoritative Word of God. It alone is the final authority in determining all doctrinal truths. In its original writing, it is inspired, infallible and inerrant (II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:20-21; Proverbs 30:5; Romans 16:25-26).
· Trinity-We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three are co-equal and co-eternal (I John 5:7; Genesis 1:26; Matthew 3:16-17, 28:19; Luke 1:35; Isaiah 9:6; Hebrews 3:7-11).
· Baptism- We believe in Believer's Baptism. Following faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, our biblical response of faith is obeying the Word of God and to be baptized in water in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38, 8:12, 36-38; 10:47-48).
· Salvation- We believe that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ: His death, burial, and resurrection. Salvation is a gift from God, not a result of our good works or of any human efforts (Acts 2:38, Ephesians 2:8-9; Galatians 2:16, 3:8; Titus 3:5; Romans 10:9-10; Acts 16:31; Hebrews 9:22).
· Gospel statement- the Kingdom of God has come through King Jesus the (1) pre-existent Son of God who was (2) sent by God and (3) became a man in fulfillment of God’s promises to David. He lived among His creation for 33 years to reveal what God was like and what it means to live as a part of the kingdom of God. He (4) died on the cross for our sins according to the Scriptures; (5) was buried; and (6) rose from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures. He (7) appeared to many of His followers over the next forty days, then (8) He ascended into the heavens where He now sits enthroned as King at the right hand of God the Father. (9) He has sent His Holy Spirit to guide and teach those who profess allegiance to Him, and (10) He will return some day in the future to judge the world and restore His universal rule on earth as it is in heaven.
o Our response to the gospel is to either accept it as true or reject it as false. To accept it means to believe (to profess the truth of the message and swear our allegiance to obeying it), to repent (to turn our lives from disobedience to obedience by living in submission to the true King) and to follow (to continually live our lives in submission to King Jesus as we learn from Him how to live and love as He did).
· Lordship/headship of Christ - We acknowledge Christ as the Head of our church and submit ourselves and all our activities to His will and good pleasure (Eph. 1:22–23). Jesus calls everyone to salvation (in eternity) and discipleship (in this life) through a faith commitment that is expressed in repentance, confession, and baptism. Repentance and surrender to Jesus as Lord is the never-ending cycle for life in Jesus’ kingdom, and it is empowered by the Spirit.
· Prayer - We believe that God desires his people to pray and that he hears and answers prayer (Matthew 7:7–11; James 5:13–18). Therefore, the ministries and activities of this church will be characterized by a reliance on prayer in their conception, planning, and execution.
· Lord’s Supper - We believe the Lord’s Supper is an ordinance to be observed by the church during the present age. We observe the Lord’s Supper every week.
· Biblical Worldview - We aim to help everyone view life through the lens of God’s Word. We believe living lives of faithful obedience leads to renewal and transformation (1 Corinthians 12:1-2). As a result, a person’s worldview is increasingly transformed into Christlikeness (1 Corinthians 12:1-2). We believe biblical worldview will be reflected in distinctive ways, such as the following:
o Sanctity of Life-We believe that human life begins at conception and ends upon natural death, and that all human life is priceless in the eyes of God. All humans should be treated as image-bearers of God. For this reason, we stand for the sanctity of life both at its beginning and its end.
o Marriage-We believe God created marriage as the context for the expression and enjoyment of sexual relations. Jesus defines marriage as a covenant between one man and one woman. Any sexual activity outside the bounds of marriage is immoral and must not be condoned by disciples of Jesus.
o Gender-We believe that both men and women were created by God to equally reflect, in gendered ways, the nature and character of God. God’s plan is not confusion when it comes to gender. The confusion comes from the devil.
o Moral living-We believe that we must resist the forces of world that focus on materialism and greed. The Bible teaches that the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil and that greed is idolatry. Disciples of Jesus should joyfully give liberally and work sacrificially.
New to Faith Christian Church, Harlingen?
Plan your experience today!
SIGN UP NOW by Filling out the connect card at the bottom of our website. Please tell us what service you plan to attend.
You may have some questions.
Let me try to give you some information about FCC!
We are located on the corner of 13th and Tyler in Harlingen.
Did you see our service times on the page?
For your children:
We have a Nursery for babies to age 3.
We have the Sunday School Classes and Nursery from babies - High School.
And during the sermon for the 10:45 AM service the children 4 years old through 5th grade can attend Junior Church.
Let a greeter know when you arrive and they can take you to the classrooms or show you to the Sanctuary.
I hope that helps. Are you ready to plan your experience? We look forward to seeing you soon.
Oh and I almost forgot. What do people wear to Church these days? Well when you look around you will see a couple of men wearing suits and some wearing shorts and flip flops. So, if you stay between those extremes you will fit right in. Ladies wear dresses and pants. Not too many in shorts. So, I hope this helps.
Remember to sign up with the connect card.
We look forward to seeing you.
In 1999 my wife and I and our three young children moved to FCC in Harlingen Texas and the Lord has blessed us here for many years. We have been involved in all the different ministries over the years and have met and fellowshipped with many great brothers and sisters in Christ. Over the years the Lord has blessed me to be able to baptize young people, and years later officiate their wedding, and then a few years later be able to dedicate their babies. God is Good.
And our family dynamics have changed as well. Our children are still great, and now they are grown and have moved away. We are grandparents to 4 wonderful grandchildren and have some time for other activities in life.
I have transitioned over the years from being a runner to become a triathlete. I have participated in multiple triathlons and have finished the ironman 5 times. I hope to continue to compete into my retirement.
That is a little about me and I hope you will look over the rest of our website and join us on Sunday.
Pastor Ryan’s passion is to assist families in strengthening their marriages, discipling their children, and sharing their faith to expand God’s kingdom. He has served in youth, family, and worship ministry for 26 years and has worked at Faith Christian Church in Harlingen for 16 years with his wife Karen and their three children. Ryan has a bachelor’s degree in Bible and Counseling from Atlanta Christian College and a Master of Arts in Discipleship from Dallas Baptist University. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Leadership Studies from Dallas Baptist.
Cody served the FCC Youth Ministry as a volunteer for 7 years before taking up the role of Youth Pastor in 2020. He has a bachelor’s degree in Ministry from Nation-2-Nation Christian University. Cody is also aided in ministry by his wife, Anna. Though they have no children, they consider the youth of the church to be their own.
Hello! My name is Alexa Limón and I have been the Children’s Ministry Director at Faith Christian Church as of June 2013. I am extremely blessed to help teach the upcoming generation of our church. Aside from undergoing extensive trainings through our ministry and family services. I am also a certified teacher with a master's degree in special education. Please do not hesitate to call or text me with any questions or concerns.
I look forward to meeting you and your children soon!
Contact Number- (956) 442-5997